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/ CD-ROM Today - The Disc! 22 / cdrt22.iso / mac / AFHV Demo / MEDIA / CSHM_C1.PIC (.png) < prev    next >
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-10-19  |  137KB  |  544x317  |  8-bit (45 colors)
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OCR: Sighup .. UPLOADING SCRIPTS When the Forum opens qo to the Menu Bar and click on Libraries, and drag down Contribute File A dialog box opens asking for the File name Direct it to the AFHV folder on your hard drive Choose the DNA file you want to puad and click Select dialog box opens called Library Contribute Under Host Name you could create different name for your file but we recommend you leave it in the character format for maximum compatibility across platforms. You need 10 fillin all the empty tields before you can send afile First. choose to send the tile the AFHV Goes CD. ROM Library Section. Then make sure the file type is Binary (not MacBinary) You can give your file any Title you want as well as type n longer Description 01 your file Keywords can be anything which you think file ...